Uncommon Schools

How do I convey to a recruiter from Uncommon Schools that I am interested in working for them?

When you meet an Uncommon recruiter, ask specifically which campuses are hiring, especially if you feel strongly about working with a particular age group. Since recruiters work region wide, they’re hiring for multiple positions at once. If you really want to work with high schoolers, you don’t w...
Non-profit Career Fair Education Uncommon Schools
2 answers

What will a Summer Fellow do if accepted into Uncommon Schools?

You shadow a class of any grade for the last 2 weeks of the school year with your mentor teacher in preparation for teaching summer school as your lead teacher. You also get weekly pd and teach like a champion training. You teach a month of summer school with the help of your lead teacher.
Day in the Life Non-profit Education Teaching Assistant Uncommon Schools Summer Fellow
1 answer

How would you describe Uncommon Schools's company culture?

Company Culture Education Uncommon Schools
1 answer

What is the training program like from Uncommon Schools for their teachers and leads?

What is the range of subjects taught?
Training Non-profit Education Uncommon Schools
1 answer

Can someone tell me more about Uncommon Schools, and how I will know if it's a good fit?

Uncommon Schools has campuses across several different cities and states in the Northeast. Each campus, even within the same city, is going to be a little bit different, although the recruiting process will be approximately the same. Every employee at Uncommon should be familiar with the educatio...
Non-profit Career Progression Education Uncommon Schools Company Fit
1 answer

What were the best and maybe worst parts of working as an Office Manager at Uncommon Schools?

The Office Manager is the main point of communication between the school and families. You are the first source of information for families, you make sure that students have access to the information and resources they need, and you troubleshoot any day-to-day issues that arise. Every day is diff...
Non-profit Pros and Cons Education Uncommon Schools Office Manager Administrative
1 answer

Any advice on acing my interview with Uncommon Schools?

Before you interview, do your homework. Again, Uncommon Schools has a very specific educational philosophy. They want candidates who are bought into their particular approach. They also want people who are able to be flexible, communicate well with diverse populations, and who are not rattled eas...
Interview Non-profit Education Uncommon Schools
1 answer

What questions should I ask a recruiter at Uncommon Schools if I want be involved in the future?

- What roles is Uncommon looking to fulfill? I say that this is a good question because often times people do not realize that this is a charter school network, so as well as teachers, they need directors, people to run operations, etc. - I am not a junior so I do not qualify for the summer teac...
Non-profit Career Fair Education Uncommon Schools
1 answer